9 Ways To Sleep Better Every Night - Crescentt

9 Ways To Sleep Better Every Night

Sleeping well at night is one of the most important things you can do to maintain your health and general welfare.

Having a proper night's sleep will give your body the time and energy to fully recover and refresh from the stress of the previous day, while also allowing you to stay sharp and focused throughout the next day.

If you know how to fall asleep but have trouble sleeping through the night, whether it's because you toss and turn or wake up a few times during the night, there are a few things you can add to your nighttime routine to improve your sleep overall.

Here are 9 things you can implement today to sleep better at night:

1. Taking a hot shower.

Take a bath with hot water before going to sleep. A hot shower is known to relax your body and reduce tiredness from your day, whether you were working or exercising or just exhausted in general. It is great for stress relief and getting some me-time, too. Not only do you come out cleaner physically but you'll feel refreshed mentally too by having time to reflect about what's going on in your life! Consider adding some essential oils or other fragrant shower products to maximise these benefits. Herbs like chamomile and lavender and scents like cocoa and vanilla are good choices. You could also light a candle to create a more relaxing atmosphere. 

Studies suggest that a relaxing bath, with products added, can provide three hours of rest compared to sleeping without taking a bath.

2. Consider in investing in better sheets.

There is a reason people are taking more care into choosing their bedding carefully. Sheets like cotton, silk or satin, bamboo and microfiber are all the rage nowadays! These fabrics are known for their breathability and antibacterial nature and some are better than others against sweating (psst check out our natural Bamboo Pajamas). Better quality sheets will certainly improve your sleep quality as well, because comfort is a huge part of relaxing to fall asleep as well as being able to stay asleep in the night.

Improve your sleep by regularly cleaning your sheets, using cozy blankets and comfortable pillows in place of wool and synethic material that may itch or scratch or pull.

3. Invest in higher-quality sleepwear

It's a given that what you wear matters, whether physically or how you feel about yourself. A comfy pair of pajamas can make a world of difference for relaxation and a better mood overall. Invest in better quality materials to improve the state of your skin and overall comfort in the day (if you are home) and night. Materials that are light, breathable, soft and even sweat-absorbant and anti-bacterial are the ideal options you should be looking for when selecting your sleepwear. Loungewear today comes in a variety of styles and materials to suit any particular preference. Whether you prefer cotton, jersey, bamboo or high-quality silk satin, Crescentt offers a variety of options and styles that are guranteed to improve your comfort at home and lead to better sleep at night.

4. Make sure you don't feel cold at night.

Use appropriate clothing or bedding to be consistent with the climate. Make sure what you're wearing won't make you shiver at night as it certainly gets colder out! Make sure you chest is covered to prevent yourself from getting chilled and catching a cold. Do not forget your feet either, as a cold feet can keep you awake! Make sure your bedding is also warm - layer sheets if you need to, as even a cold mattress can have you waking up at night to chills. Make sure to have appropriate duvets and covers for all seasons over the year and get extras if you can to alternate between washes.

5. Sleep in a different position.

Changing the position in which you sleep can make a big difference in the quality of your sleep. When you go to sleep or if you wake up in the middle of the night, make a conscious effort to follow these guidelines until you get used to them.

Keep your body in a way that your head and neck remain more or less straight. Avoid sleeping lying on your stomach. It is difficult to maintain the proper position and is more likely to cause you pain and discomfort. If you sleep on your stomach, place a pillow under your hips or head.

If your pillow is too thin, it will make your head rests on the mattress too which may cause discomfort for the neck. If you sleep on your side, you may find it comfortable to cuddle with a pillow or place a pillow between your legs (especially if you are pregnant).

If you sleep on your back, placing a pillow under your legs may help you feel more comfortable. Play around until you find something that works and helps you drift off easier.

6. Turn off your technology at least 30 minutes before bedtime.

It is known now that the blue light that phones and screens emit now is very detrimental to our sleep, as well as our eyesight. When you use your phone before or in bed, you are stimulating your brain to stay awake longer and disrupt your natural cycle of relaxation to sleep.

By cutting off technology sometime before bed, you are giving your body time to wind down and relax to fall asleep sooner and better through the night.

If you must, consider getting yourself a good pair of blue-light blocking glasses or add a blue-light filter onto your phone to reduce the harmful effects blue light from screens have on your sleep and eyes.

7. Darken your room an hour or two before bedtime.

Similarly, you should not be hanging out in bright, broadway lights if you are preparing to sleep soon. The light exposure can disrupt your biological clock and jerk you awake. Try to have lamps that you can turn on in the evening instead of keeping your light switches on after it gets dark. This will be a great way to prepare for bed and relax your body by allowing it to settle into the darkness.The darkness makes your body produce the hormone Melatonin necessary for falling sleep.

8. Take Melatonin or Passionflower supplements if you must.

Melatonin, as previously mentioned, is the natural hormone released by the pineal gland at night to help you fall asleep. Some people who suffer from insomnia may feel or find that they are deficient in melatonin and are advised by their doctor to take a supplement for it. Be sure to consult your doctor before trying this however. Passiflore, or passionflower is another supplement used to calm nerves and aid against sleep problems. It is often used by people with mild anxiety and racing thoughts to help them fall asleep easier. Once again, be sure to consult with a doctor before trying either of these methods for yourself.

9. Say a prayer or talk to God. 

A lot of people feel lonely at night and may feel an emptiness inside. Talking to God or praying is a great way to not feel so alone. When you talk to God about your daily worries or problems, you tend to feel a light presence and more deeper understanding and relief about your situation. God listens to prayers and it's not wonder that many thousands of people pray before going to bed.


We hope these tips helped! Be sure to try a few of them at a time and even try to hit a homerun by doing all of them. Surely your sleeping will improve!

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